Baba is what I called my granny on my father’s side … or sometimes just simply “Ba.” My Baba was an amazing woman. Her folk wisdom and wit still inspire me to this day … even though I didn’t really even know her. I was only two years old when she died, so there were times growing up when I wondered if I invented her myself. But she definitely did exist. I know this because throughout my childhood years, my mum was in the habit of prefacing folk sayings with: “As your Baba said…” As a rule, in Ukrainian the sayings rhymed and made great sense. Here are a few examples: Вміла готувати, та не вміла подавати. (Good cooking, but poor presentation) Дешева рибка – погана юшка. (Cheap fish makes bad soup) Не так сталося, як гадалося. (Appearances can be deceiving). Що швидко робиться, то криве родиться. (Haste makes waste.) В чужих руках завше більший шматок. (The neighbour’s grass is always greener.) За дурною головою і ногам нема спокою. (A foolish head creates restless legs.) Дай Боже нашому теляті вовка зЇ’cти. (Please Lord, allow our calf to eat a wolf) Не вчи рибу плавати. (Do not teach a fish to swim) Дальше очі – дальше серце. (Out of sight […]
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