Victor’s Vignettes: Military translation at my school

Victor’s Vignettes … stories about life in soviet and post-soviet Ukraine. – by Victor Sergeyev Mikolayev, Ukraine All throughout my early years at school, I looked forward to studying American literature in 10th grade. How I would enjoy reading the English language works of such authors as Theodor Drizer, Mark Twain, and Jack London! I just couldn’t wait to enjoy all the delicious things in store for me. Of course, you know it — things turned out much differently. When I entered 10th grade, I found to my surprise—and dismay—that the English Literature course had been replaced with “Military Translation.” To make matters worse, there were no specially trained teachers, no manuals, no textbooks—only a room with walls covered in posters and placards! Apparently this hastily prepared “course” was the result of some mysterious emergency. But, we were 16 years old and viewed it with pragmatism as well as enthusiasm. It was English, after all. And what young boy does not find the military fascinating? Even the girls in our class were fascinated— somehow even “dry” technical and military details seemed interesting when presented in English. During that course, boys and girls alike learned things like how to assemble and dismantle […]

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Ukrainian Jewish Heritage: A chat with opera star Pavlo Hunka

British-Ukrainian opera star Pavlo Hunka is the Director of a classical concert to be held on September 29, 2016 at the Opera House in Kyiv. The concert is part of the 75th Anniversary commemoration of the Babyn Yar tragedy, sponsored by the Ukrainian Jewish Encounter of Toronto. In 1941, the Nazis murdered some 150,000 people, including over 32,000 Jews. The massacre at Babyn Yar is considered one of the most heinous atrocities of the Holocaust, and has come to symbolize Nazi brutality. This commemorative concert will feature classical musicians from Ukraine, Israel, Canada and Great Britain, and a symphony orchestra from Germany. The conductor of the orchestra will be Oksana Lyniv of Ukraine. The concert will include a cameo performance by Mr. Hunka, who took time from his hectic schedule of rehearsals for an interview on Nash Holos. We spoke about the upcoming concert, his career, and his Ukrainian Art Song project, showcasing Ukrainian classical music. Pawlina: The 75th anniversary of the [foreign] tragedy will be commemorated in K of this fall. Late September to be exact. One of the events will be a concert which you are organizing and producing. How did you come to be the orchestrator so to speak of this event? Pavlo […]

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Book Review: 2016 Kobzar Award winner Detachment by Maurice Mierau

In this edition of Knyzka Corner, we will be discussing Maurice Mierau’s award-winning memoir, Detachment: An Adoption Memoir. Readers first meet an emotionally drained Maurice in 2009 in a psychologist’s office in Winnipeg. For three years, his wife Betsy has been urging him to get help. He tells the psychologist, “I have problems in my marriage, marital problems I guess.” (p. 11) He explains that he feels he is a bad husband, as well as an unresponsive parent to his oldest son Jeremy, and his two sons, Peter and Bohdan, who were adopted from Ukraine in 2005. He also worries about his complicated relationship with his father as well as his father’s traumatic past. In order to deal with these issues, Maurice is writing a book. Detachment is the result of his psychological exploration. This memoir is divided into seven chapters exploring the complex adoption process and its aftermath. Maurice and Betsy decided to adopt in Ukraine because of their family connections. Maurice’s family members were Mennonites from Ukraine, who fled the country during World War Two. When they arrive in Ukraine, they discover that instead of a little girl and another child, they are going to adopt two brothers. […]

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Ukrainian Jewish Heritage – Babyn Yar Necropolis

Memory. Manipulation. Memorials. Babyn Yar, the ravine on the outskirts of Kyiv, Ukraine, is a multi-ethnic and multi-faith necropolis. A city of the dead. In September 1941, nearly thirty-four thousand Kyivan Jews were shot over two days in one of the largest single Nazi massacres during the Second World War. More massacres followed during the German occupation. The victims included even more Jews, as well as Ukrainians, Soviet prisoners of war, communists, Roma, and others. Some estimates of those killed at the site total up to one hundred and fifty thousand dead. After the war the Soviet regime tried for decades to destroy the ravine itself, as well as the national and ethnic identity of its victims. The Soviet authorities manipulated the memory politics of Babyn Yar. The controversies continued after Ukrainian independence in 1991. There was a jumbled and uncoordinated proliferation of competing monuments to the various victims. There was an overall physical neglect of the site. Babyn Yar turned into a chaotic space. A space that does not properly reflect the significance of the tragic events that took place there. The Ukrainian Jewish Encounter, with the support of the International Union of Architects in Paris and the National […]

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Knyzhka Corner Book Review: Red Notice by Bill Browder

Bill Browder’s fascinating new book Red Notice, is a roller-coaster ride through post-Soviet Russian history. Bill Browder was one of the architects of Russia’s growing economy during the privatization era. He saw an opportunity to make a great deal of money and created the Hermitage Capital investment fund based in Moscow. Browder became the largest foreign investor in Russia. In 2000, his fund ranked as, “The best performing emerging-markets fund in the world.” (p. 1) However, on November 13, 2005, Bill Browder was expelled from Russia. He would later become one of Russia’s harshest critics after the imprisonment and murder of his Russian lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky. He grew up in the United States as the grandson of the leader of the American Communist Party. In his teens, Browder rebelled against his family’s ideology. “I would put on a tie and become a capitalist.” (p. 17) He studied business at Stanford University in California. After graduation, he moved to England to work for the Boston Consulting Group and Robert Maxwell. His first job led him to Poland where he discovered the immense opportunity for profit in Poland’s privatization process. After setting up his own investment fund called Hermitage Capital, Browder became […]

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Ukrainian Jewish Heritage: Preparing for Babyn Yar 75th anniversary commemorations

Plans are underway to commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Babyn Yar tragedy. The events are being organized by the Ukrainian Jewish Encounter and will take place in Kyiv this fall. Welcome to Ukrainian Jewish Heritage on Nash Holos Ukrainian Roots Radio. I’m Peter Bejger. Memory. Commemoration. Responsibility. The seventy-fifth anniversary of the Babyn Yar tragedy in Kyiv will be soon upon us. This anniversary is a very serious challenge for Ukraine, especially in light of current conditions. The proper acknowledgment of, and reconciliation with, major historical trauma reflects a mature society confident of its future. The Ukrainian Jewish Encounter has been preparing for this landmark anniversary for the last couple of years. A four-part program has been organized. This program—in its broadest sense—deals with Babyn Yar in terms of the future, the past, and memorialization in space and through the arts. The transmission of memory to younger generations is complex but nonetheless crucial. A program for youth dealing with the legacy of Babyn Yar will be organized by the historian Dr. Ihor Shchupak from Dnipropetrovsk. Young people from Ukraine, North America, Europe, and Israel will be invited to participate in a series of town hall public meetings. The public lectures […]

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Ukrainian Jewish Heritage: East-West Street book review

Phillipe Sand’s book, East West Street, details the origins of the terms “genocide” and “crimes against humanity.” Welcome to Ukrainian Jewish Heritage on Nash Holos Ukrainian Roots Radio. I’m Peter Bejger. Details are important. In fact, details are crucial—whether for tracing a family tree or building a legal case. For example, a case for the judgment and conviction for murder. The international lawyer Philippe Sand, a professor of law at University College London, is fascinated by details. His recent book East West Street, is a gripping account of the origins—in effect, the invention—of the terms “genocide” and “crimes against humanity.” His book is hailed by critics as a monumental achievement. EAST WEST STREET is a book of secrets, secrets patiently uncovered in a compelling narrative through diligent detective work in archives, memoirs, interviews, and unexpected travel to long hidden sources. EAST WEST STREET is at once a detective story, a courtroom procedural, and a heart-wrenching family saga. The book weaves together two stories—one personal, and the other public. The stories begin and end at the Nuremburg Trial for Nazi war criminals. The author did not expect to write this book. Back in 2010 Sands received an invitation to deliver a […]

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Nash Holos Vancouver 2016-0507

Tribute to mothers and grandmothers on this week’s show:  Victor’s Vignettes: Baba’s Sayings • Knyzhka Corner Book Review: A Promise Kept by Andy Semotiuk (A tribute to his mother) • Special commentary: Oksana Poberezhnyk shares the many Ukrainian words for mother and grandmother • Ukrainian Proverb of the Week • Great Ukrainian music on a Mother’s Day theme!

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Nash Holos Nanaimo 2016-0504 Hour 2

Special feature commentaries: Пам’яті Дмитра Гнатюка (In Remembrance of Dmytro Hnatuk) • Події сторічної давності на горі Маківка. Січові Стрільці. (Brave Sich Riflemen who won the battle on Mount Makivka) • Історія пісні “Журавлі” (“Чуєш, брате мій” — Ukrainian military song about cranes) • The Year of Manitoba’s Ukrainian Canadian Cultural Heritage • Події в Одесі 2014-го року (Remembering Odesa 2014) • Ukrainian gymnast wins recent World Championship in Toronto • Upcoming event – the 2016 Annual BC Ukrainian cultural festival in Mission • Great Ukrainian music by: Dmytro Hnatiuk • Zhuravli • Vladimir Vysotsky • Vopli Vidopliasova • Kvitka • Nina Matvienko • Tsymbala Students of Steven Chwok Nash Holos Ukrainian Roots Radio airs live in Nanaimo on Wednesdays from 11am-1pm PST on CHLY 101.7FM, broadcasting to the north and central Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands, Sunshine Coast, northwest Washington State and Greater Vancouver listening areas. Your host for this hour: Oksana.  

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