Book Review: Blood and Salt by Barbara Sapergia

In her novel, Blood and Salt, Barbara Sapergia explores the internment of Ukrainian-Canadians during the First World War. Taras Kalyna, a 20-year old Ukrainian-Canadian immigrant in rural Saskatchewan, is torn from his family and friends and sent to the Banff-Castle Mountain internment camp in Alberta. Along with over 8000 prisoners (mostly Ukrainian), Taras must survive […]

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Book Review: Crossing the Border by Ksenia Rychtycka

Audio review and interview with Myra … as heard on Nash Holos August 11, 2013 Anthology explores realities of memory and today’s Ukraine Review by Myra Junyk Crossing the Border, Ksenia Rychtycka’s first anthology of short stories, explores the lives of Ukrainians in Ukraine and in other countries. Her poignant stories focus on family relationships, […]

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Book Review: Bequest by Anna Shevchenko

Bequest is the first novel by Ukrainian-born British writer Anna Shevchenko. It is April 2001, and two people separated by thousands of miles are both exploring an 18th century legend claiming that Hetman Polubotko hid a vast fortune of Cossack gold (estimated to be worth 270 billion pounds) in a London bank.  There are two […]

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Book Review: Under This Unbroken Sky by Shandi Mitchell

Under This Unbroken Sky by Shandi Mitchell is a novel set in Willow Creek Alberta in 1938. The story revolves around two Ukrainian immigrant families and the hardships they faced in settling and farming land on the Canadian prairies. After being imprisoned for over two years for stealing grain, Teodor Mikolayenko arrives home. Unable to […]

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