Interview – Cheryl Madden

Cheryl Madden, award-winning American specialist on the Holodomor discusses a recent Verizon ad denigrating Ukrainian dance, the security breaches she had experienced with her Verizon internet service over the past 12 years, and her harrowing experiences with the Russian federation regarding her work on the Holodomor.

In 2008 Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko presented Chery Madden with the Ukrainian national award The Order of Princess Olha for her research and for raising public awareness of the Holodomor — Stalinist genocide by forced starvation in Ukraine from 1932-33.

Cheryl Madden compiled an annotated bibliography of English language sources on the Holodomor for the Shevchenko Scientific Society. It was dedicated to the Ukrainian schoolchildren of the class that never was.

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