Feature Interviews 2009

2009 Feature Interviews on Nash Holos Ukrainian Roots Radio

December 20, 2009. Mirko Petriw, update and more details on volunteer opportunities at Ukraine House during the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.

November 08, 2009. Mirko Petriw, on Ukraine House at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics … and a volunteer  opportunity for those seeking an exciting, once-in-a-lifetime Olympics experience.

October 25, 2009. Roman Brytan, host of RadioZhurnal in Edmonton, on his program including recent updates on its new timeslot and broadcast frequency.

October 18, 2009. Andrea Malysh, of the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association, on the unveiling of a commemorative plaque at the site of a WWI internment camp in Edgewood, BC, October 24, 2009.

Petriw’s Perspectives. Local author and political commentator shares more excerpts from Ukrainian president Yushchenko’s Green Clearing Conference, in which the president reflects on Ukraine’s past and future.

October 11, 2009. Montreal film-maker Yurij Luhovy, discusses his latest film Okradena Zemlya (Plundered Land) about the 1932-33 famine-genocide in Soviet Ukraine, including his research in archives only recently opened in Ukraine, as well as first-hand testimonies of survivors.

Petriw’s Perspectives. Local author and political commentator shares some excerpts from Ukrainian president Yushchenko’s Green Clearing Conference of September 30, in which the president pulled few punches.

September 27, 2009. Petriw’s Perspectives. Local author and political commentator shares his views on the latest developments on Ukraine’s political scene. This week he discusses Rafael Lemkin, the author of the document that first identified the word “genocide” and cited events in Ukraine’s past, including the Holodomor of 1932-33, as the defining example of the term.

September 20, 2009. Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk, of the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association, on the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund.

September 13&20, 2009. Petriw’s Perspectives. Local author and political commentator shares his views on Ukrainian ambivalence and a recent Ukrainian law granting pensions to liquidators of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army before, during and following WWII.

September 06, 2009. Mirko Petriw, author of the political thriller Yaroslaw’s Treasure, on his novel as well as the history and politics behind the story, from the fall of Kyiv in 1240 to the Orange Revolution of 2004.

July 12, 2009. Paul Cipiwnyk on the late Sonia Morris, the new George S.N. Luckyj Ukrainian Literature Translation Prize, and his ongoing work with Language Lantern Publications, founded in 1996 by Sonia Morris and her sister Roma Franko.

May 10, 2009. Anton Schleha of Germany on his book about a survivor of a Cossack massacre in Austria post WWII and a memorial being built to commemorate the tragedy.

April 19, 2009. Ernie McCullough of Platinum Concerts International, on the Kyiv Chamber Choir, their 2009 Canada Tour, and their upcoming concerts in Vancouver and Victoria.

April 12, 2009. Feature presentation by Ottawa archivist Nadia Kazymyra on St. Vladimir’s Seminary and Choir, formerly of Roblin, Manitoba. Courtesy Irena Bell of the Ukrainian Radio Program in Ottawa.

April 5, 2009. Ukrainian folklore specialist Orysia Tracz on her upcoming summer folk arts tour to Ukraine.

March 29, 2009. Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk, of the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association, on UCCLA’s campaign “No KGB in Canada.”

March 15, 2009. Andriy Antonenko, a.k.a. Riffmaster, Ukrainian rock star on his music and his decision to compose lyrics in Ukrainian rather than Russian. Many thanks to Vasyl Pawlowsky in Kyiv for conducting the interview and sharing it with Nash Holos listeners.

March 08, 2009.

Fr. Ihor Kutash, of St. Mary the Protectess Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Montreal and host of Blahovisnyk (The Evangelist) on Nash Holos and Ukrainian Time, gives a sneak preview of his upcoming workshop in Vancouver, Love: Human and Divine.

Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk, of the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association, discusses the origin and intent of the first annual Ukrainian Literature Day in Canada.

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