Щоб волю мати, треба спершу себе об`єднати. Freedom is built on unity. - Ukrainian proverb

▶ Hutsul Cup Song Instructions

OK then. If you enjoyed the Cherry Band performing the Hutsul Cup song and would like to try your hand at it with some friends, here are the instructions. In Ukrainian, but if you’re Ukrainian-impaired, just watch closely, follow your instincts, and do what they do. You’ll make out just fine. Provided you are sober […]

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Cherry Band: Hutsul Cup Song

The Cherry Band performed this at the Dzherelo Centre. It’s called the Hutsul Cup song. Shared it with Nash Holos listeners on the Jan 10, 2015 edition. Here’s the link. Instructions to follow. Enjoy! ▶ Різдвяне вітання від Центру “Джерело” та гурту Cherry Band: гуцульський Cup Song “В неділю рано” – YouTube.

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Book Review: Putin’s Putsches by Maria Lewytzkyj

In this edition of Knyzka Corner: Maria Lewytzkyj’s book Putin’s Putsches – Russia, Ukraine and the Near-Abroad Conflict. Maria Lewytzkyj defines “Putsch” as “a violent attempt to overthrow a government.” She explains that Vladimir Putin’s “hybrid war” against Ukraine is a blatant attempt to destabilize the current government. She also tells the stories of ordinary people […]

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