Rosh Hashana in Ukraine—updated

The name for the Jewish New Year is Rosh Hashana, which in Hebrew means the “head of the year.” It is one of the most important religious holidays for Jews … a day of awe and fear, but also a day of celebration. Rosh Hashana remembers the creation of the world. It’s a time for […]

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Interview – Alti Rodal

The Ukrainian Jewish Encounter (UJE), a privately organized multinational initiative launched in 2008 as a collaborative project to promote deeper mutual comprehension and solidarity between Ukrainians of Jewish, Christian and other heritages. It is based in Toronto and engages scholars, civic leaders, artists, governments and the broader public throughout Ukraine, Israel and the diasporas.

Recently UJE organized a conference in Ukraine on propaganda and genocide, which I was able to attend thanks to the organization’s generosity. UJE organizes many conferences that facilitate broader dialogue and understanding, as well as public education projects.

One such project is an exhibition entitled A Journey Through the Ukrainian-Jewish Encounter: From Antiquity to 1914, which was created by UJE and co-funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The multi-media travelling community exhibition premiered in Toronto at the Schwartz/Reisman Centre in Vaughan in May and is currently on display at the Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre in Winnipeg, where it opened on Monday, June 15, 2015.

Alti Rodal, Co-Director of the Ukrainian Jewish Encounter Initiative, kindly agreed to tell Nash Holos listeners about this innovative exhibit.

Timothy Snyder off the mark on post-WWII Ukraine

Ukrainian Jewish reaction to academic/author Timothy Snyder’s recent presentation in Geneva. Transcript: Добрий день! This is Renata Hanynets, at the Faina Petryakova Scientific Centre for Judaica and Jewish Arts, a branch of the Jewish Heritage Museum in Lviv, Ukraine. Recently, our executive assistant at the Jewish Heritage Museum, Volodymyr Valkov, travelled to Geneva to hear a […]

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Feature Interviews 2014

David Katscma, President of Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival, gives a “sneak preview” of this year’s festivities in Dauphin, MB August 1-3, 2014. Aired July 16, 2014 (Nanaimo edition) and July 20, 2014 (Vancouver edition). ***To listen or download, click here. Lidia Wolanskiy, freelance journalist formerly from Canada, now living in Yaremche, Ukraine, with an update […]

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The Roots of Klezmer

Klezmer music … it’s instantly recognizable, yet almost impossible to define. It’s a unique sound with a heritage deeply rooted in the shtetls, the Jewish villages of Eastern Europe. The term klezmer is derived from the Hebrew roots “kli-zemer” or “vessel of song.” It reflects the ancient Jewish belief that a musician is not really […]

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Yaroslav Dashkevych

Yaroslav Dashkevych was a prominent Ukrainian historian, and one of the founding members of the Scientific Center of Judaica and Jewish art. In a time of rapid devaluation of national values (which is how we can characterize the latest decade of our history), Dashkevych was a significant role model for thousands of people. He was […]

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Feature Interviews 2013

*************** For 2014 interviews click here. *************** December 25,  2013. Canadian ex-pat Shauna McLarnon, of Ummagma … a dream pop/pop rock duo from Ternopil and Kramenetz, Ukraine on celebrating Christmas on December 25 when to most Ukrainians it is just another working day. ***To listen or download, click here. December 15, 2013. Mirko Petriw Vancouver […]

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Yom Kippur in Ukraine

In the Jewish faith, Yom Kippur is known as the  Day of Atonement. Yom Kippur, or Soodny Den’in Ukrainian, is the holiest and most solemn day of the year for Jews, as the focus is on atonement and repentance. Yom Kippur completes the annual period known in Judaism as the High Holy Days … or in Hebrew, Yamim Nora’im, meaning “Days […]

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Rosh Hashana & Uman Pilgrimage in Ukraine

The name for the Jewish New Year is Rosh Hashana, which in Hebrew means the “head of the year.” It is one of the most important religious holidays for Jews … a day of awe and fear, but also a day of celebration. In 2013 (the Jewish Year of 5774), Jews in Ukraine, Israel and […]

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Sambir cemetary

Sambir is an administrative centre for the Lviv region, or Raion, located 73 kilometers from the city of Lviv. Founded in 1199, Sambir has a rich Jewish history, little of which remains. The first mention of Jews living in Sambir dates back to 1447.Over the years, conflicts between Christian and Jewish merchants arose. This led to royal decrees in the mid-fifteen hundreds restricting Jews from trading or living […]

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